Gamma Scientific实时波长测量仪Wavemon

    Gamma Scientific实时波长测量仪Wavemon

  • 2024-05-30 22:37 1467
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:浙江杭州 包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:10.00 产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:136081304公司编号:20158087
  • 蒋新浩 经理 微信 13336187598
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Gamma Scientific实时波长测量仪Wavemon

  • Sub-nanometre resolution   and accuracy

  • Five adjustable      transimpedance gain ranges and 24-bit ADC

  • Data output via USB      (Windows/OSX/Linux support)

  • ASCII command set for      simple control

The Wavemon™ system represents a significant advancement in real-time wavelength measurements. Using a multi-channel photodiode system, the unit provides amplitude feedback without the use of an expensive array spectrometer or sensitive optical alignment.


  • Monochromator wavelength      monitoring

  • Real-time production      testing for wavelength and amplitude

  • 940nm VCSEL testing for      facial recognition

  • LED device or wafer level      test and characterisation

  • Production line or      laboratory use

Three photodiodes, each with an independent transimpedance amplifier circuit and 5 gain ranges for each channel, along with proprietary optical filtering techniques allows for wavelength accuracy of +/-0.25 nm and repeatability of +/-0.01 nm. Rock-solid stability and a reduced noise floor is achieved via a temperature stabilised feedback loop incorporating PID feedback.


Silicon photodetectors

One bare plus two optically filtered

Spectral range

365 nm to 1.1 µm (SWIR option)

Wavelength absolute accuracy

± 0.25 nm

Wavelength repeatability

± 0.01 nm

Irradiance absolute accuracy

± 1%

Irradiance repeatability / stability   

± 0.01 nm

Capture time

100 ms (typical)

Unit dimensions (mm)

90 x 160 x 63 (WHD)


欢迎来到杭州雷迈科技有限公司网站,我公司位于与苏州并称“苏杭”,素有“上有天堂下有苏杭”美誉的杭州。 具体地址是浙江杭州城厢街道通惠中路1号绿都泰富广场1幢2205室,负责人是蒋新浩。
联系电话是86-571-82733525, 主要经营Datacolor颜色测量仪器、Vizoo材质扫描系统、NanoSystem非接触式形貌仪、Radiant铁电材料测试仪、Siltex涂层复合设备、Inkmaker自动化配料系统。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 250 - 500 万元。

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